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radians = degrees *(pi/180)

pi = 3.14159 (approximately)

In Excel and other programs, you can use +pi() for pi.

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What is the implication of any correlation found between the variables?

Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.

What is the superlative degree of the word stout?

The superlative degree of stout is stoutest.

What do you mean by degree of relation in relational data base management system?

The degree of a relation is the number of attributes the relation has in it.The degree of a relation can be zero or more integer. An n-ary relation is a relation in which its degree is n in turn a relation of n attribute(s).

Dispersion is the degree of variation in the data?


What is df in statistics?

degree of freedom