The second 9 rounds up the first one to give 2.835340 as the result.
It is: 125,000,000 to the nearest million
345982 to the nearest whole number. 345980 to the nearest ten. 346000 to the nearest hundred. 346000 to the nearest thousand. 350000 to the nearest ten thousand. 300000 to the nearest hundred thousand. Zero to the nearest million.
552.836 is 552.84 to the nearest hundredth.Consider the part of the number that is less than one hundredth.In this question the part to be considered is 0.006 (or 6/1000)If this is nearer to 0.01 - then round up.If it nearer to 0.00 - then round down.0.006 is nearer to 0.01 so it is rounded up to the hundredth above.
To round 87621.32178939 to the nearest millionth, we need to look at the seventh decimal place, which is the millionth place. The digit in the millionth place is 1. Since it is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, the number rounded to the nearest millionth is 87621.321789.
Sure thing, honey. To round 218.0979797 to the nearest millionth, you look at the seventh decimal place, which is a 7. Since 7 is equal to or greater than 5, you bump up the digit in the millionth place by 1. So, 218.0979797 rounded to the nearest millionth is 218.098. Voila!
It is rounded to the nearest thousandth so runding to the nearest millionth makes no difference. If you want to show that the number is ACCURATE to the nearest millionth, you could write it as: 4.613000
It is 3.1415927
6,523,183,959 rounded to the nearest hundred-millionth is 6,523,183,959.00000000
To the nearest hundred millionth, 5.68002356 To the nearest hundred million, zero.
If you want the nearest hundred millionth, it's already there. If you want the nearest hundred million, that rounds to zero.
489334209 rounded to the nearest millionth is 489000000.
To the nearest tenth: 0.1 To the nearest hundredth: 0.06 To the nearest thousandth: 0.056 To the nearest ten thousandth: 0.0563 To the nearest hundred thousandth: 0.05626 To the nearest millionth: 0.056263
1.9688312 is approximate to0 to the nearest ten2 to the nearest whole number/unit2.0 to the nearest tenth1.97 to the nearest hundredth1.969 to the nearest thousandth1.9688 to the nearest ten thousandth1.96883 to the nearest hundred thousandth1.968831 to the nearest millionth
42.12345678 rounded to the nearest millionth is 42.123457.
55.3819444 rounds to:100 to the nearest hundred60 to the nearest ten55 to the nearest whole number/unit55.4 to the nearest tenth55.38 to the nearest hundredth55.382 to the nearest thousandth55.3819 to the nearest ten thousandth55.38194 to the nearest hundred thousandth55.381944 to the nearest millionth