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Well i had the same qustion first u press 2nd then you press the button that looks like this ^ then put your number inexample: 3 2nd ^ 78 it would be 4.272658682

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Q: How do you use square roots on your TI-30X IIS calculator?
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Where to use an TI-30X IIS calculator online?

you cant. you have to buy one because they are such good calculators.

Texas instruments TI-30XIIS is a scientific calculator?

Yes, the Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS, released in 2003, is a scientific calculator. It is an updated version of the TI-30 scientific calculator from 1976, which sold for $25.

How to you use algebra on a Texas instruments TI-30X IIS calculator?

you press the a button then you can steal the bagel* looks suspicous* but you didnt hear it from me

Is there a simplify button on the ti-30x iis calculator?

Use the n/d button (n over d) and type your fraction then press enter

How do you put fractions on a Texas Instruments TI 30X IIS calculator?

if you are looking to put it into a decmial then enter the fraction and press enter then F D artows are inbetween it.

How do you clear deg from the screen of your ti 30x iis?

You can't. It's a sign that your calculator is operating in degrees mode, as opposed to radians or gradients. Degrees is the default setting as well.

Where can you download windows IIS 5.1?

You can not download IIS 5.1. You can only install IIS from the your Windows Installation CD. IIS 5.1 can only be installed if you are using Windows XP. IIS 5.0 comes with Windows 2000, and IIS 6 comes with Windows Server 2003.

How do you write mixed fractions on a TI 30X IIS calculator?

To enter mixed numbers, use addition. For example, to enter 23/4 enter (2+3/4) Use parenthesis around it so that the calculator knows that it is all part of one value.

What is iis in net?

IIS stands for Internet Information Server. IIS is used to host web sites. Once a website is deployed in IIS it can be accessed by people across the network.

How do i solve x square - 6x plus 5x plus 7 equals 0?

x^2 - 6x + 5x + 7 = 0 => x^2 - x + 7 = 0The roots of this equation are0.5 - 2.5981*i and 0.5 + 2.5981*i where iis the imaginary square root of -1.

What is IIS 6.0?

IIS (Internet Information Services) 6.0 is the version of IIS that shipped with Windows Server 2003. IIS is a set of servers (such as HTTP and FTP) developed by Microsoft. IIS is the second most popular web server application after Apache.

How do you install IIS on Windows XP?

How to install the IIS on Windows XP