It depends upon whether the numbers can be used more than once. If the numbers can be used more than once, then there are 1,000 possible combinations; if not, then there are 720 possible combinations.
Assuming you are talking about integers you can calculate it this way:
you can have any one of 9 digits for the first digit (zero is excluded because that would make it only a 2 digit number)
You can have any one of 10 digits for the second and any one of 10 digits for the third digit.
That gives you 9x10x10 = 900 different combinations for 3 digit numbers (not 1000). If you can include both negative and positive numbers as different numbers you get twice as many (2x900=18000).
If you can count decimal numbers as 3 digit numbers (i.e. not restricted to integers) you can have 900 integers, 900 with the form xx.x, 1000 with the form x.xx (if zero is permitted to be the first digit and count as one of the 3 digits) or 900 (if a leading zero is NOT counted as one of the 3 digits). If a leading zero is NOT counted as one of the 3 digits, you could also have 1000 numbers of the form or just .xxx
27 three digit numbers from the digits 3, 5, 7 including repetitions.
24 of them. So we have a 2 or 6 in the unit position, therefore (2)(4)(3) = 24 even three-digit numbers, can be formed.
There are 3 values (1, 2, 3) for each of the 4 digits. Therefore, there are 3*3*3*3 or 81 four digit numbers that can be formed.
There are 504 such numbers.
180 of them.
27 three digit numbers from the digits 3, 5, 7 including repetitions.
There are 34 = 81 numbers.
256 numbers.