There are 9 1-digit numbers and 16-2 digit numbers. So a 5 digit combination is obtained as:
This scheme does not differentiate between {13, 24, 5} and {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Adjusting for that would complicate the calculation considerably and reduce the number of combinations.
The sum you require is 4!/2!2!, which is 6. This means there are 6 different two-digit numbers. * * * * * Wrong! The above formula is for the number of combinations, not permutations. However, since the number 23 is different from the number 32, you require permutations and not combinations. There are 4*3 = 12 23, 25, 27, 32, 35, 37, 52, 53, 57, 72, 73, 75.
17,576 possible combinations * * * * * Not quite! This is the total number of permutations of 3 letters out of 26. AAB is counted as being different from ABA or BAA. But these are the same combinations. Thus there are 26 combinations of just one letter. 26*25 combinations of two letters and 26*25*24/(3*2*1) of three. In all, that makes 26 + 650 + 2600 = 3276
The middle mber becomes the primary. Sort by that and then sort by the numbers to the left and then the numbers to the right. Example: 12-34-56 98-76-54 11-22-33 21-25-33 23-25-33 becomes: 11-22-33 21-25-33 23-25-33 12-34-56 98-76-54 Easy Schmeezy!
There are 480,700 combinations and I am not going to even try to list them!
Their is 25 combinations
There are 36 such numbers.There are 36 of them.
25 of them
5*4*3*2*1 = 120 combinations. * * * * * No. The previous answerer has confused permutations and combinations. There are only 25 = 32 combinations including the null combinations. There is 1 combination of all 5 numbers There are 5 combinations of 4 numbers out of 5 There are 10 combinations of 3 numbers out of 5 There are 10 combinations of 2 numbers out of 5 There are 5 combinations of 1 numbers out of 5 There is 1 combination of no 5 numbers 32 in all, or 31 if you want to disallow the null combination.
There are 5245786 possible combinations and I am not stupid enough to try and list what they are!
16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70 Seven of them.