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Q: How the beta of a portfolio can equal the market beta if 50 percent of the portfolio is invested in a security that has twice the amount of systematic risk as an average risky security?
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What is the beta of a portfolio?

The beta of a portfolio is the weighted average of individual betas of assets in that portfolio. There is an example of portfolio beta calculation here:

How to find the beta of a portfolio?

The beta of a portfolio is the weighted average of individual betas of assets in that portfolio. There is an example of portfolio beta calculation here:

What does portfolio beta mean?

The beta of a portfolio is the weighted average of individual betas of assets in that portfolio. There is an example of portfolio beta calculation here:

How do you find out the profit of the portfolio?

The overall profit earned by a portfolio can be termed as the sum of all the profits earned by the different instruments that form your portfolio. Let us say I invested Rs. 1 lakh and my portfolio is 60% equity, 20% gold and 20% bank deposits. Assuming the average returns for the products last year to be 20%, 12% and 8% respectively my total profit is as follows: Equity: Rs. 12000 Gold: Rs. 2400 Bank Deposit: Rs. 1600 Net Profit: Rs. 16000/- This is the net profit of my portfolio.

How do you determine a portfolio's beta value?

The beta of a portfolio is the weighted average of individual betas of assets in that portfolio. There is an example of portfolio beta calculation here:

what is the expected portfolio return on a portfolio comprised of 25% h stock and 75% l stock?

As a well-informed investor, you naturally want to know the expected return of your portfolio—its anticipated performance and the overall profit or loss it's racking up. Expected return is just that: expected. It is not guaranteed, as it is based on historical returns and used to generate expectations, but it is not a prediction. The expected return of a portfolio will depend on the expected returns of the individual securities within the portfolio on a weighted-average basis. A well-diversified portfolio will therefore need to take into account the expected returns of several assets. KEY TAKEAWAYS To calculate a portfolio's expected return, an investor needs to calculate the expected return of each of its holdings, as well as the overall weight of each holding. The basic expected return formula involves multiplying each asset's weight in the portfolio by its expected return, then adding all those figures together. In other words, a portfolio's expected return is the weighted average of its individual components' returns. The expected return is usually based on historical data and is therefore not guaranteed. The standard deviation or riskiness of a portfolio is not as straightforward of a calculation as its expected return. How to Calculate Expected Return To calculate the expected return of a portfolio, the investor needs to know the expected return of each of the securities in their portfolio as well as the overall weight of each security in the portfolio. That means the investor needs to add up the weighted averages of each security's anticipated rates of return (RoR). An investor bases the estimates of the expected return of a security on the assumption that what has been proven true in the past will continue to be proven true in the future. The investor does not use a structural view of the market to calculate the expected return. Instead, they find the weight of each security in the portfolio by taking the value of each of the securities and dividing it by the total value of the security. Once the expected return of each security is known and the weight of each security has been calculated, an investor simply multiplies the expected return of each security by the weight of the same security and adds up the product of each security. Formula for Expected Return Let's say your portfolio contains three securities. The equation for its expected return is as follows: Ep = w1E1 + w2E2 + w3E3 where: wn refers to the portfolio weight of each asset and En its expected return.

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