The average of 55 is 55. If you mean the average of 5 and 5, then the average is 5.
Illinois averages about 55 tornadoes per year.
A person with an IQ between 90 and 110 is considered average. Anything above that is going to be better.
just get the average of the two numbers :D
Illinois averages between 50 and 55 tornadoes per year.
The average of 55 and 90 is 72.5
The average depth is 55 meters
47 is the average of 55, 56 and 30.
The average of 65 and 55 and 84 is 68
It varies depending on how old you are but generally the average man's body is about 60% water and the average women's body is 55% water.
The average temperature of Mars is about -55° Centigrade or -67° Fahrenheit.
It is (17+55)/2 = 36
55 lbs :-)