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In general, the probability that any child will be a girl is approximately 1 in 2. It is like flipping a coin. There is a 50-50 chance for a specific outcome each time. It would be less likely that a woman would have three sons than that she have two sons and one daughter, but each individual outcome is a 50-50 chance. If this is a brain teaser, since we are given that the woman has given birth to two sons, it could imply that any other children she has are daughters, in which case the probability is 100% - if we know that she has other children.

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Q: If a woman has given birth to two sons what is the probability that her third child will be a girl?
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What is the probability of having 3 daughters in a row?

it one out 8 1/8 bc first child 1/2 second child 1/2 third child 1/2 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/8

What is the probability that a family of 4 children has exactly 3 boys?

0.25 binomial distribution, where p=0.5, q=0.5, x=3, n=4 4!/(3!*1!)*0.530.51 = 0.25 Also can be solved by identifying each event possible and related probability. There are 4 ways this can occur (first child is a girl, second child is a girl, third child is a girl and fourth child is a girl) and there is a 0.54 chance of each of these events occurring. Prob= 4 *0.0625 = 0.25

In a race with 8 runners what is the probability of predicting the first second and third place finishers?

One in 336

What is the probability of drawing 3 cards that are all queens from a deck of cards?

Aprox. 0.018%There are 4 queens in a regular deck of 52 cards.The probability of drawing a queen on the first draw is: P(Q1) = 4/52.The probability of drawing a queen on the second draw given that the first card wasa queen is: P(Q2│Q1) = 3/51.The probability of drawing a queen on the third draw given that the first two cardswere queens is: P(Q3│(Q2UQ1)) = 2/50.The probability of drawing 3 queens on the first 3 cards drawn from a deck of cardsis: P(Q1UQ2UQ3) = (4/52)∙(3/51)∙(2/50) = 1.80995... x 10-4 ≈ 0.00018 ≈ 0.018%

The probability that a house in an urban area will be burglarized is 5 percent If 50 houses are randomly selected what is the probability that none of the houses will be burglarized?

the probability of a house will be burglarized is = 5% which is = .05 the probability of a house will NOT be burglarized is = (1 - .05) the probability of a second house will NOT be burglarized is = (1-.05)*(1-.05)= (1-.05)^2 the probability of a third house will NOT be burglarized is= (1-.05)*(1-.05)(1-.05)= (1-.05)^3 so, the probability of NONE = (1-.05)^10 = .598736939 = .5987

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A women gives birth to a son two years later she gives birth to another son what is the probability that her third child will be a girl?

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There is no simple answer to the question because the children's genders are not independent events. They depend on the parents' ages and their genes.However, if you assume that they are independent events then, the probability that the third child is a girl is the same as the probability that any birth is a girl - which is 0.48 across the world.

If a woman has given birth to two daughters what is the probability that her third child will be a girl?

One half. A mother always contributes an "X" chromosome to the offspring. The father's semen contains a mix of "X" and "Y" sperm, and it is mostly a matter of chance as to which one fertilizes the egg.

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