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There are no relationship between this 3 events, the probability to give birth to a girl can not be deduce from previous birth given by a women.

So the probability that the third child will be a girl is the same for this woman as for any other woman, no matter what happened before.

It's like rolling a dice, if one gets an ace and an ace, it does not change the chance to get another ace for the third roll, or a 2, or a 3,....

All the roll results are independent if the dice is not loaded

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Q: A women gives birth to a son two years later she gives birth to another son what is the probability that her third child will be a girl?
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A women gives birth too a son.Two years later she gives birth to another son.What is the probability that her third child will be a girl?

There is no simple answer to the question because the children's genders are not independent events. They depend on the parents' ages and their genes.However, if you assume that they are independent events then, the probability that the third child is a girl is the same as the probability that any birth is a girl - which is 0.48 across the world.

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yes you are helloed

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