the interquartile range is not sensitive to outliers.
The standard deviation of a distribution is the average spread from the mean (average). If I told you I had a distribution of data with average 10000 and standard deviation 10, you'd know that most of the data is close to the middle. If I told you I had a distrubtion of data with average 10000 and standard deviation 3000, you'd know that the data in this distribution is much more spread out.
An interquartile range is a measurement of dispersion about the mean. The lower the IQR, the more the data is bunched up around the mean. It's calculated by subtracting Q1 from Q3.
The basic function of an average is so that you have just one value to represent your entire data with. You don't have to say that your data range lies within this boundaries - you just have to quote the average and standard deviation and that more or less, gives significant information about your data.
>>variance While it is true that, in many cases, variance does provide a good deal of information, particularly for statistical analysis, in many situations e.g. when the data is not normal, there are only a few points in a data set, or one wishes to examine only a single data set many other properties can be considered. Specifically, it is often very useful to look at the median as well as the interquartile range. Quickly, just in case, the median is, after the data is sorted, the middle number. The inner quartile range is the difference between the value at the 75th percentile and the 25% i.e the range of the middle 50%. What is nice about these two values is that they eliminate outliers (numbers which are, for whatever reason, exceptionally large or small compared to the data set) and gives a better idea of where the data lies. The mean cannot account for large outliers and, for small data sets, can differ significantly from the median. While statistical analysis is more limited with the median, it can often be a more accurate representation of a population. As an example, income reports very dramatically when looking at the difference between variance and inner quartile range. Because the median US income is far below the mean income (i.e. there are a small group of VERY wealthy people, thus the mean is pushed above the median) the inner quartile range is more informative that the variance. This is especially true on the micro level when e.g looking by county.
What are the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum?What the range and interquartile range are.whether the data ore positvely or negatively skewed.How two (or more) data sets compare in terms of the "average" and spread.
The RANGE is the difference between the lowest and highest values.In this case 100 - 80 = 20, so the range is 20. The range tells yousomething about how spread out the data are. Data with large rangestend to be more spread out.Range is the difference between the highest and lowest numbers in the set.EXAMPLE:3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 21, 24, 2626 - 3=23range is 23.
The larger number is bigger in this case. More MB means more storage space, or more data has to be transmitted.
Standard Deviation tells you how spread out the set of scores are with respects to the mean. It measures the variability of the data. A small standard deviation implies that the data is close to the mean/average (+ or - a small range); the larger the standard deviation the more dispersed the data is from the mean.
Frequency spread refers to the distribution or range of frequencies present in a signal or sound. It describes the spacing and coverage of individual frequencies within a given range. A wider frequency spread means there is a greater variety of frequencies present, while a narrow spread indicates a more limited range of frequencies.
the interquartile range is not sensitive to outliers.
The bigger the data bus, the more data can be fetched in one go and processed, making the computer faster
You cannot. The capacity of a CD is fixed at the time of manufacture. You can store more data by compressing the data itself.
The interquartile range can be more useful when the first and fourth quartiles contain very little data, in other words there are only a very few high or low data points.
This is because it hase a bigger range to kick and have more accuracy. Used for bigger people because there growth is bigger
If you are predicting a point that's outside of the data range, it is known as extrapolation. If it is within the data range it is interpolation and is much more reliable.