A qualitative variable is a variable that has categorized values and the difference cannot be measured. A quantitative variable is a variable that consist of ordinary values and the difference can be measured. Depending on the type of class rank it can be both qualitative as quantitative.
Qualitative for a car licenseQualitative for a favorite sportQualitative for a number of brothers
Smoking is not a variable. It is an act of doing something. Types of cigarettes is a qualitative variable.
They are variables that can take quantitative - as opposed to qualitative values. For example, the colour of peoples' eyes is a qualitative variable, but their age or shoe size are quantitative variables.
A qualitative variable is a variable that has categorized values and the difference cannot be measured. A quantitative variable is a variable that consist of ordinary values and the difference can be measured. Depending on the type of class rank it can be both qualitative as quantitative.
Qualitative for a car licenseQualitative for a favorite sportQualitative for a number of brothers
No it is qualitative
Qualitative 100% its that and not quantitative The variable is qualitative because it is an attribute characteristic.
Smoking is not a variable. It is an act of doing something. Types of cigarettes is a qualitative variable.
They are variables that can take quantitative - as opposed to qualitative values. For example, the colour of peoples' eyes is a qualitative variable, but their age or shoe size are quantitative variables.
A qualitative variable: such as your favourite fruit.
No,Blood pressure is a quantitative variable because it is measured in numbers
They are variables that can take quantitative - as opposed to qualitative values. For example, the colour of peoples' eyes is a qualitative variable, but their age or shoe size are quantitative variables.
No because it is numerical and so therefore it is quantitative
Sales rank is a quantitative variable. The underlying value is sales, obviously a quantitative value. The median, minimum, maximum and percentile values are all quantitative statistics based on the ranking of data.