Anytime you are able to measure something, it is quantitative data. Qualitative data represents the quality of something which cannot be measured.
it all depends on the length the width and the height. if you know those then just add them all up and you will have the volume.
To extrapolate is to predict future data from the trends in your current data. If a half inch of rain fell the day before yesterday, and one inch yesterday, and two inches today, we might extrapolate and conclude that three-and-a-half inches will fall tomorrow, and that a week from now two feet of rain will fall.
It is: 20,000 feet
a mudslide is measured by the feet and times it by every 2 feet
11 1/2 8.333333333333332e+29 feet
The two types of observations are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative observations are descriptive and based on qualities, while quantitative observations involve measurements and numerical data.
Observations can be Quantitative and or Qualitative. Quantitative observations are made objectively and are measurements and factual observations. eg "The plank is 3 feet long and rough sawn". Qualitative observations are subjective and may not be factual. eg. "The plank is a pretty colour and feels furry".
The types of systematic observation include naturalistic observation, structured observation, participant observation, and non-participant observation. Each type involves observing and recording behaviors, interactions, or events in a systematic and predetermined manner to gather data for research or analysis.
hi wasup wat u up to howz life well basicly a sentence for qualitative observations is he observed the business wth some qualitive obsevations thanks safe loaterz everybody laterz
Quantitative observation means that your description of what you observedincludes a definite number that you measured.For example:"I saw a really big guy." is not a quantitative observation."I saw a guy who is 8 feet tall." is a quantitative observation.
This question cannot be anwsered. Volume cannot be converted to length without some other data.
Its length is 10 feet.
The length is 3,350.76923 feet.
The length is 3 feet
What is the area of a regular pentagon with side length of 9.4 feet and an apothem length of 6.5 feet
No, it equals a square length, which is usually the area. For example, if you have a rectangle with one lenght being 3 feet and the other length being 4 feet, the area is 3 feet X 4 feet = 12 feet^2 (12 square feet).
You don't measure the length and width in square feet. Square feet is an area. You measure the length and width in feet, then multiply them to get the area in square feet.