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Q: Is normal distribution completely described by its mean and its standard deviation?
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Related questions

What is the standard deviation of a standard normal distribution?

The standard deviation in a standard normal distribution is 1.

In the standard normal distribution the standard deviation is always what?

The standard deviation in a standard normal distribution is 1.

What are the two parameters that completely characterize a standarized normal distribution and mean and standard deviation?

mode and skew

What information must you know in order to completely specify the shape of a normal distribution?

the mean and the standard deviation

Why does a Uniform distribution have a greater standard deviation?

The answer depends on greater standard deviation that WHAT!

How can the measures of center and spread of a bimodal distribution be described?

By specifying the centre and standard deviation of the distribution but also mentioning the fact that it is bimodal and identifying the modes.

A standard normal distribution has a mean of and standard deviation of?

Mean 0, standard deviation 1.

What does standard deviation tell about distribution and varity?

It is a measure of the spread of the distribution. The greater the standard deviation the more variety there is in the observations.

What does standard deviation describes?

Standard deviation describes the spread of a distribution around its mean.

The standard deviation of the distribution of means is also known as the population standard deviation?


In a standard normal distribution what is the value of the mean and standard deviation?

idk about normal distribution but for Mean "M" = (overall sum of "x") / "n" frequency distribution: 'M' = Overall sum of (' x ' * ' f ') / overall sum of ( ' f ' ) M = Mean x = Mid Point f = frequiency n = number of variables ALL FOR STANDARD DEVIATION * * * * * A general Normal distribution is usually described in terms of its parameters, and given as N(mu, sigma2) where mu is the mean and sigma is the standard deviation. The STANDARD Normal distribution is the N(0, 1) distribution, that is, it has mean = 0 and variance (or standard deviation) = 1.

When the population standard deviation is not known the sampling distribution is a?

If the samples are drawn frm a normal population, when the population standard deviation is unknown and estimated by the sample standard deviation, the sampling distribution of the sample means follow a t-distribution.