Date is a discrete variable whereas date/time would be continuous.
time to learn a song for 4 hours, is this discrete or continuous data set?
how is time series applied in the business world today
sampling time is the number of samples per second taken from a continuous signal to make it discrete and holding time is the time between two samples..
Yes it is. Discrete data is something that's set. Like say you were making a line graph about renting bikes. You can only rent whole bikes there is nothing in between. You shouldn't connect points on a line graph with discrete data but some cases can be argued. Continuous data is usually a measurement that could change like time.
It is discrete even though time itself is continuous.
Date is a discrete variable whereas date/time would be continuous.
"Continuous" means there's no smallest piece. If you pick two amounts, then no matter how close together they are, there's always an amount between them. Amounts of time, water, and temperature are continuous. "Discrete" means there is a smallest piece. If you pick two amounts and they're close enough together, there's no amount between them. Amounts of beans, cars, and chickens are discrete.
time to learn a song for 4 hours, is this discrete or continuous data set?
Continuous. Discrete variables are only expressed as integer values, whereas continuous is, as its name suggests, continuous.
The linear discrete time interval is used in the interpretation of continuous time and discrete valued: Quantized signal.
A continuous variable which is made discrete when recorded.
it is a continuous random variable
Continuous data is data that can theoretically be any amount at all. There may be a maximum and minimum value, but all numbers in between are possible. For instance, the amount of time it takes to complete a task, might be 13.4864 seconds. This makes the time continuous data. Discrete is data that can only be set amounts. For instance, how much money someone has, or how many times they've been to the cinema. You cannot have 13.4864 cents, or have visited the cinema 7.33 times. This is a discrete value.
A continuous signal is one that is measured over a time axis and has a value defined at every instance. The real world is continuous (ie. analog). A discrete signal is one that is defined at integers, and thus is undefined in between samples (digital is an example of a discrete signal, but discrete does not have to imply digital). Instead of a time axis, a discrete signal is gathered over a sampling axis. Discrete signals are usually denoted by x[k] or x[n], a continuous signal is x(t) for example. Laplace transforms are used for continuous analysis, Z-transforms are used for discrete analysis. Fourier transforms can be used for either.
how is time series applied in the business world today