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If a monotone sequence An is convergent, then a limit exists for it. On the other hand, if the sequence is divergent, then a limit does not exist.

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Q: Is the limit exists for a monotone sequence An?
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Define a monotone sequence of real numbers?

A monotone increasing sequence {r_n | n>0} is a sequence with: n>m implies r_n >= r_m A monotone decreasing sequence {r_n | n>0} is a sequence with: n>m implies r_n <= r_m A strictly monotone increasing sequence {r_n | n>0} is a sequence with: n>m implies r_n > r_m A strictly monotone decreasing sequence {r_n | n>0} is a sequence with: n>m implies r_n < r_m Theorem. All bounded monotone sequences of real numbers have a unique limit.

Does there exists any sequence whose limit is positive but sequence is negative?

No, such a sequence is not posible.

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The reason main sequence has a limit at the lower end is because of temperature and pressure. The lower limit exists in order to exclude stellar objects that are not able to sustain hydrogen fusion.

Show that convergent sequence is bounded?

Wrong answer above. A limit is not the same thing as a limit point. A limit of a sequence is a limit point but not vice versa. Every bounded sequence does have at least one limit point. This is one of the versions of the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem for sequences. The sequence {(-1)^n} actually has two limit points, -1 and 1, but no limit.

What sentence can be use with the word monotone?

She had a monotone voice.

How can the word monotone be used in a sentence?

the word monotone can be used in a sentece like this: "i dont know what monotone means"

What does limit mean in writing?

Students surely can recognize the number that is the limit of this sequence.

What is a sentence with monotone in it?

The professor spoke in a monotone voice during the lecture, making it difficult for the students to stay engaged.

What is the part of speech of monotone?

"Monotone" is fundamentally a noun, but in mathematics it is sometimes used as an adverb, as in the sentence, "This function is monotone increasing."

Can you write a sentence with the word monotone?

The Headmaster addressed the assembly in a monotone voice

When was Monotone - software - created?

Monotone - software - was created on 2003-04-06.