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F-test results will determine if the null hypothesis will be rejected or accepted. All test are ran with the assumption that the null hypothesis is true.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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Q: Reject or accept null hypothesis F-test?
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Would I accept or reject the null hypothesis if the probability of the obtained statistic is 0.001 and alpha is 0.05?

You should reject the null hypothesis.

What does the researcher hope to do with null hypothesis the opposite of the research hypothesis?

Be able to reject the null hypothesis and accept the research hypothesis

What does the researcher hope to do with the null hypothesis (the opposite of the research hypothesis)?

Be able to reject the null hypothesis and accept the research hypothesis

What does the researcher hope to do with the null hypothesis (the opposite of the research hypothesis)?

Be able to reject the null hypothesis and accept the research hypothesis

Can you accept and reject the null Hypothesis Why or why not?

Some people say you can either accept the null hypothesis or reject it. However, there are statisticians that insist you can either reject it or fail to reject it, but you can't accept it because then you're saying it's true. If you fail to reject it, you're only claiming that the data wasn't strong enough to convince you to choose the alternative hypothesis over the null hypothesis.

Difference between acceptance and rejection region?

Some researchers say that a hypothesis test can have one of two outcomes: you accept the null hypothesis or you reject the null hypothesis. Many statisticians, however, take issue with the notion of "accepting the null hypothesis." Instead, they say: you reject the null hypothesis or you fail to reject the null hypothesis. Why the distinction between "acceptance" and "failure to reject?" Acceptance implies that the null hypothesis is true. Failure to reject implies that the data are not sufficiently persuasive for us to prefer the alternative hypothesis over the null hypothesis.

What is test statistic?

This is used in statistic to know whether to accept or reject a null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis

What causes hypothesis to be rejected?

We have two types of hypothesis i.e., Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis. we take null hypothesis as the same statement given in the problem. Alternative hypothesis is the statement that is complementary to null hypothesis. When our calculated value is less than the tabulated value, we accept null hypothesis otherwise we reject null hypothesis.

If we reject the null hypothesis what can we conclude about the alpha risk?

If we reject the null hypothesis, we conclude that the alternative hypothesis which is the alpha risk is true. The null hypothesis is used in statistics.

In what cases one can state the null hypotheses true?

The null hypothesis is typically assumed to be true in statistical hypothesis testing. It represents the scenario where there is no significant difference or effect observed between groups or conditions being compared. Researchers seek evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis that suggests a real difference or effect exists.

Is the critical region the values of the test statistics for which the null hypothesis will reject?

The null hypothesis will not reject - it is a hypothesis and is not capable of rejecting anything. The critical region consists of the values of the test statistic where YOU will reject the null hypothesis in favour of the expressed alternative hypothesis.

In stats do you reject the null or failed to reject the null 0.5 and 0.45?

At a probability of 0.5 you cannot reject the null hypothesis!