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What is the total amount of your purchase if you bought 5 shirts at $m and 2 more at 50% off.

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Q: The letters of the words American pies are placed in a bag. What is the probability that you will draw an E or an I if you chose one letter from the bag?
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What is sub shell letter?

Subshell letters indicate electron shells. The letters K-Q or numbers 1-7 are called subshell letters. They are placed in superscript form.

How many six letter arrangements are possible with a six letter word?

It depends on the letters and also on the words that have been placed on the board.

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It is 13.2%

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stripes there is only six letters in that. but if you placed a (S) at the end you could have. stripes, priests or sprites.

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How many ways can you rearrange the letters in Daniel?

There are 6 different letters. That means you have 6 choices for placing the first letter. Once you have placed that letter, you now have 5 choices for the second letter. So you have 6*5 = 30 options for the first two letters. Continuing this way, you have 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720 ways to rearrange the 6 letters.

What single letter make a common English word when placed both in front of and behind the letters ealt?

H, to make health.

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In Arabic script, a hamza is a diacritical mark placed over other letters, or a letter on its own indicating the presence of a glottal stop.

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How many permutations are possible of the word yard?

Imagine you have four empty buckets in which to put any of the four letters Y, A, R, D into. At first you have four letters that can be placed in any of the four empty buckets. Once you've placed a letter in a bucket you only have three letters and three empty buckets to choose from. And so on... So there are 4x3x2x1 = 24 permutations of the word YARD.

Is insufficient a prefix?

Prefix - a word, letter, or number placed before another. This, therefore, means that the entire word 'insufficient' is not a prefix, however, the first letters "in" in this word is the prefix.