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This is a binomial probability distribution The probability of exactly 2 heads in 50 coin tosses of a fair coin is 1.08801856E-12. If you want to solve this for how many times 50 coin tosses it would take to equal 1 time for it to occur, take the reciprocal, which yields you would have to make 9.191019648E11 tosses of 50 times to get exactly 2 heads (this number is 919,101,964,800 or 919 billion times). If you assume 5 min for 50 tosses and 24 hr/day tossing the coin, it would take 8,743,360 years. That is the statistical analysis. As an engineer, looking at the above analysis, I would say it is almost impossible flipping the coin 50 times to get exactly 2 heads or I would not expect 2 heads on 50 coin tosses. So, to answer your question specifically, I would say none.

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Q: Two coins are tossed 50 times how many times do you expect to get two heads?
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