data could be entered inaccurately because of:
data can be collected many different ways, but a survey can be cunducted in a few different ways some of them are: simple random, stratified, block samples stratified simple random
Data should be recorded as soon as possible after collection because doing so will help to ensure that the data collected is actually the data recorded. If you rely on your memory and do not record the data until some time after collection, it could be that you don't acurately recall the full details of the original data and so the end data can easily be flawed. There are many ways to check if data is being properly collected. Experiments done in a laboratory setting may require hand written notes on observations. These observations should be written in a bound notebook, that belongs to the researcher. The time and date of the observations should be noted. The reason to do this immediately is so that the observations are fresh in the researcher's mind. Sometimes data is collected on paper and then entered into the computer. This should be done as soon as possible and checked very carefully. Let say we are conducting interviews to collect data. The information is immediately recorded usually on a special form, and then checked to see if all the necessary information is obtained. If we delay in recording data, some of it can be misplaced. Delays may be caused because we don't have the right tools (pen, paper, or laptop computer) to record data. If some of the data is missing, then the reliability of the study may be questioned. Some data is automatically collected by computers. This can greatly enhance the reliability of the data because it eliminates the human error, and the data can immediately be seen by everyone that has access to the computer. ----
Try using a T-Chart to compare specific data. You could also write all the data in a bulleted style. Then, try organizing it more professionally. Make sure all your data is legible!Have fun!!
Although there are a number of data mining techniques there are three that are most commonly used. These common techniques include decision trees, artificial neutral networks and the nearest-neighbour method. These techniques each analyze data in different ways.
There are a few ways to organize data and reveal trends. You will have to set a plan, budget and people.
data can be collected many different ways, but a survey can be cunducted in a few different ways some of them are: simple random, stratified, block samples stratified simple random
Qualitative data
give 2 ways of presenting data
There are several ways that data can be collected that include interviews and research. Other methods used to collect data include surveys, phone calls, and by direct observation.
Scientists collect data, in all sorts of ways using computer models math observing data, it all depends what kind of scientist.
Observe it over a long period of time, and under different circumstances. Collected data can be analyzed to check for the likelihood that they were not generated by chance alone.
Some examples of inaccurate portrayals of criminal investigation by the media include glamorizing forensic technology to solve cases quickly, showing unrealistic and exaggerated ways in which evidence is collected and analyzed, and oversimplifying the complexities and challenges of criminal investigations. Additionally, media often portrays investigators as solitary heroes, whereas in reality investigations are collaborative efforts involving diverse teams and skills.
Data should be recorded as soon as possible after collection because doing so will help to ensure that the data collected is actually the data recorded. If you rely on your memory and do not record the data until some time after collection, it could be that you don't acurately recall the full details of the original data and so the end data can easily be flawed. There are many ways to check if data is being properly collected. Experiments done in a laboratory setting may require hand written notes on observations. These observations should be written in a bound notebook, that belongs to the researcher. The time and date of the observations should be noted. The reason to do this immediately is so that the observations are fresh in the researcher's mind. Sometimes data is collected on paper and then entered into the computer. This should be done as soon as possible and checked very carefully. Let say we are conducting interviews to collect data. The information is immediately recorded usually on a special form, and then checked to see if all the necessary information is obtained. If we delay in recording data, some of it can be misplaced. Delays may be caused because we don't have the right tools (pen, paper, or laptop computer) to record data. If some of the data is missing, then the reliability of the study may be questioned. Some data is automatically collected by computers. This can greatly enhance the reliability of the data because it eliminates the human error, and the data can immediately be seen by everyone that has access to the computer. ----
Information may be collected from the internet
Because bawsaq
Because bawsaq
Some ways to store the libraries data are by using data entry and saving them on flash drives. You can also print out copies in case there are technical problems with the system. by Ryan