The chances of a house fire vary from household to household. It depends on living conditions, environmental conditions, and awareness.
the chances of having identical twins are about 1 in 300.
Approximately 50% - the same as if you didn't have 3 girls previously.
Assuming the chances of having a boy and having a girl are equal (50/50), there are 4 possible outcomes from having 2 children. BOY-BOY, or GIRL-GIRL, or BOY-GIRL, or GIRL-BOY. Since each outcome is of equal probability it means there's a 25% chance the first will be a girl and the second will be a boy.
One in six chances of getting a six
either 4 in 52 chances or 1 in 13 chances.
Under normal circumstances the chances of that would be about zero, unless of course, there is an arsonists in the mix.
If you don't pick piplup or turtwig when the game first starts, you can greatly increase your chances of having a fire type.
Regular fire drills provide building occupants with practice in moving promptly to the nearest exit. Having this practice reduces the chances of panic in a real fire and improves the liklihood of everyone exiting the building safely.
Your chances of having an ectopic pregnancy from BV is about zero.
this answer is having a fire this answer is having a fire this answer is having a fire
No, but it increases your chances of having a PLASTIC BABY.
What are the chances of your offspring having myopathy if your husband's brother has myopathy?
the chances of having identical twins are about 1 in 300.
Treating acid reflux does not decrease the chances of having a heart attack.
House of Fire was created in 1989.