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Sampling bias is a known or unknown selection of data to be examined in an audit.

There should be no bias if the sample is random.

Ex ... look at the first item in the file folder. or examine all files for purchases over $10,000, or examine no files for sales less than $500.

Sampling error, is the incorrect selection of files for an audit.

Ex ... a random number generator tells you to audit file 1547, but you select 1457.

Sampling error is also used to describe the fact that auditing a sample will NOT create the exact same answer as auditing every single file or transaction.

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Q: What are the differences between sampling error and sampling bias?
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What is the difference between Sampling error vs sampling bias?

Sampling error leads to random error. Sampling bias leads to systematic error.

Difference between standard error and sampling error?

Standard error is random error, represented by a standard deviation. Sampling error is systematic error, represented by a bias in the mean.

What are the major source of sampling error?

The major source of sampling error is sampling bias. Sampling bias is when the sample or people in the study are selected because they will side with the researcher. It is not random and therefore not an adequate sample.

Advantages and disadvantages of simple random sampling?

advantages: reduce bias easy of sampling disadvantages: sampling error time consuming

Sampling error refers to?

Sampling error occurs when the sampling protocol does not produce a representative sample. It may be that the sampling technique over represented a certain portion of the population, causing sample bias in the final study population.

What is the difference between a bias and a random error?

Bias is systematic error. Random error is not.

What is meant by non sampling error?

A systematic error. This may arise because the measuring instrument is not properly calibrated or because there is a bias in recording the results.

What can be done to reduce bias in sampling?

The thing that can be done to reduce bias is sampling random things

What is the difference between the sample mean and the population mean known as?

Sampling bias.

What is alpha bias?

there are differences between men and women good thing

What is commercial bias?

Webster's dictionary defines bias as "an inclination of temperament or outlook; especailly a personal and sometimes underreasoned judgement and systematic error introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging the outcome or anser over others" From this, we can assume that the definition of commercial bias would be very similar.

Sampling errors and non sampling errors?

Sampling Errors: differences between your sample and the actual population that come about as a result of the observations that happened to be selected for the sample; (in sampling a population, regardless of how hard you try, there will always be some deviation from your sample as compared to your population because your sample may be slightly different from your population)Non Sampling Error: differences due to mistakes in the acquisition of data or because of the improper formation of a sample.Errors in data acquisition: i.e. recording the wrong answer, measurements from faulty equipment, mistakes in transferring info from primary sources, or misinterpretation of questions/responses, etc.Non response errors: when people in the sample don't respond = no dataSelection bias: when sampling makes it highly unlikely that some people will be included in the sample (i.e. selecting only those who are in the phone book would eliminate the chances for someone who isn't in the phone book to be selected)