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For the set (87 81 75 75 75 70 62 62 62 62 62 56 56):

The mean is 68.076923 repeating

The median is 62

The mode is 62

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Q: What are the mean median and mode for 87 81 75 75 75 70 62 62 62 62 62 56 56?
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Complete pattern 17 62 92?

i dont know but it is 17, 42, 56, 62, 75, 92

What is the median of 50 54 62 53 53 61?

The median of a set of numbers is the middle number when they are laid out in numerical order. When there is an even amount of numbers in the sequence like this one, there are two numbers in the middle. To find out the median from these two numbers, you just need to find the average of the two numbers. As the two numbers in the middle of this set of numbers is 53 and 54, the average is 53.5. This means that the median of this set of numbers is 53.5.

What is the median of the following string of values A 75 B 2 C 44 D 27 E 8 F 91 G 18 H 46 I 38 J 62?

A 75 B 2 C 44 D 27 E 8 F 91 G 18 H 46 I 38 J 62? First put the numbers/terms in rank order. That is lowest to highest, or vice versa. 2,8,18,27,38,44,46,62,75,91. The MEDIAN is the absolute middle middle number. Since there are an even number of terms, there is no absolute middle term. So we take the two nearest to middle terms, they are 38 & 44. (NB This leaves four terms to the left of 38, and four terms to the right of 44. We then add the two terms and divide by '2'. Hence ( 38 + 44) / 2 = 82/2 = 41 '41' is the median.

62 kilos is how many pounds?

62 kilos is 136.69 lbs

What is a descriptive statistic?

A descriptive statistic is a numerical summary of a dataset (e.g. a sample). There are four types of descriptive statistics that are commonly used: * Measures of central tendency: the central or most common value. # mean - There are several different types of mean, but by far the most commonly used is the arithmetic mean, which is simply the sum of the measurements divided by the number of measurements. This is typically what people refer to as the average. # median - value for which exactly half the measurements lie above and half below # mode - most frequently occurring measurement in a category* Measures of variability: the normal spread of values around the central value. # standard deviation - the mean of the squared deviations from the mean. 1 standard deviation is the range around the mean in which roughly 62% of the values of data will fall. # quartiles, deciles, centiles - divide the values in the data set into equal quarters (or tenths, or hundredths) by number of data points, to show how the values of the data points cluster around the center. # correlation - (for two variables) how closely the distribution of values in the two variables are related.* Measures of shape: what the data looks like. # skew - whether the data is balanced around the mean, or whether weighted towards one side or the other # kurtosis - the 'peaked-ness' or 'flatness' of a distribution.* Measures of size: # sample size - how many points have been analyzed

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Mean: 83 Median: 62 There is no mode.

71 52 48 46 54 45 20 62 what is the mean median mode range?

A single number, such has, 7152484654452062 can have only one mean, median, mode. And the range is 0.

What is a set of numbers that has a mode of 62 a range of 20 and a median of 75?

One possible set is 62, 62, 75, 76 and 82

Mean Mode and Median?

... are statistical measures. If you wanted a more specific answer you should have asked for what you wanted rather than simply place a question mark at the end of some words!

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The median is 94.

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No number appears more than any other number, so there is no single mode. However 44, 52, 56, 62 all appear twice and they all could be said to be the mode.

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Make a stem-and-leaf plot for this set of data. Find the range,median,and mode of the data. : 47 54 70 62 59 62 82 66 62 73 55 82 59?

nevermind- i figured it out

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All the numbers appear once, so there is no mode, as the mode is the most commonly occurring number.

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The median is 41.

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mean: $52, median: $50

What is 62-56 equals?

62-56 equals = 6