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Q: What are the outcomes if you roll a dice 6 times?
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If you roll a 6 faced dice how may outcomes are there?

69 lolz

If you roll a dice 100 times how many times would you roll a two?

There are six possible outcomes. Assuming the probability of each outcome is the same (dice has no defects), then you are likely to roll the number two, 100/6=50/3=16.67 times.

What are all the possible outcomes for rolling 3 dice?

6 outcomes each roll, 3 rolls. 6*6*6 = 216.

If you roll two fair dice what is the probability you will roll a double?

1/6. With two dice there are 36 possible outcomes six of which are doubles 6/36= 1/6.

How many different outcomes if you roll a dice?

6 Of course - assuming a cube die. There are other dice available (for playing D&D) which can have for example 4 (tetrahedral dice) or 20 (icosahedral dice) outcomes.

What is the size of the sample space for all the outcomes possible from rolling four dice?

There is 6 possible outcomes per roll of a die. So, there are 6*6*6*6 outcomes or 64 or 1296 possible outcomes.

How many outcomes or combinations are possible with three throws of dice?

There are 6 outcomes with one roll and 6^2 with two and 6^3 with three. So the answer is 216.

How many outcomes are possible when rolling 5 dice?

Possible outcomes of a single dice are 6 ( 1,2,3,4,5,6) So if 5 such dices are rolled then the number of possible outcomes are 6 mulitiplied by 6 five times. 6x6x6x6x6x6=46656 possible outcomes.

What is the size of the sample for all the outcomes possible from rolling 6 dice?

The sample space for 1 roll is of size 6.

What is a probability of a sum of seven if you roll two dice?

The probability of a sum of seven if you roll two dice is 6/36 or 1/6. There are 6 ways to roll a 7; (6,1) (5,2) (4,3) (3,4) (2,5) & (1,6) and 36 possible outcomes.

If I If you roll a dice 60 times what is the probability you will roll a 1 or 6?

you will land on 1 or 6 5/6 times