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Q: What are the three parts of the picture plane?
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What are the parts of the picture plane?

Foreground Middle ground and Background

What is picture plane?

picture plane An imaginary flat surface that is assumed to be identical to the surface of a painting. Forms in a painting meant to be perceived in deep three-dimensional space are said to be "behind" the picture plane. The picture plane is commonly associated with the foreground of a painting.

What divids a circle into three parts?

A circle divides a plane into three parts.

What does a circle divide into three parts?

A circle divides a plane into three parts.

To define the picture plane the two dimensional artist must establish?

To define the picture plane the two dimensional artist must establishthe borders of the picture plane. The border of the picture plane will determine the type of the picture plane according to the two dimensional artist.

Can noncollinear parts lie on the same plane?

Yes. In fact any three points that are not collinear define a plane and therefore MUST lie on a plane.

What is the parts of inclined plane?

what are the parts of an incline plane

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What are the anatomical position planes of reference?

You have three such planes. First is sagittal plane. Sagitta means arrow. So this vertical plane enters your body like and arrow. It divides your body in two equal parts. Then you have a coronal plane at right angle to this plane. It divides your body into anterior and posterior parts. Then you have a transverse plane to make your body into two parts. That is upper and lower parts, when you stand erect.

What 3 parts does a circle divide a plane into?

The three parts are:the interior of the circle, the points on the circle (points on its circumference) the outside of the circle.

Parts of propeller plane?

Wheels and cockpit are two parts of a plane with propellers.

Can you show me a picture of a plane ticket?
