Credit card companies use average daily balance to calculate interest charges. Each day's balance is added together, and then divided by the number of days in the billing cycle.
mean (average) temperature median income, mediian home prices, salary, etc. mode is the most likely occurence of an event. If the distribution of outcomes is symmetrical, then mean median mode
The average woman will use 15,000 pads or tampons in her menstruating life.
Analysis of daily wages of workers in two organisations A and B yielded the following results: Organisation A B No. of workers 10 20 Average daily wages (Rs) 30 15 Variance 25 100
it isnt
The average life expectancy for a male in America is 75.5 years. The average life expectancy for a female in America is 80.8 years.
daily life use in geomatry
uses of the perimeter in daily life is for example....................
Friction has numerous uses in daily life. Three of these uses are:-Gripping the foodApplying brakes in a vehicleFor walking
ddeteminants is used for.............
Probably a metal hooker
In nearly everything we eat