A double stem and leaf plot is a stem and leaf plot but there is a number in the middle and one number on each side to distibute data
In statistics this is usually termed a stem-leaf plot. To see some I suggest going to image.google.com and querying for stem leaf plot.
what profession, besides teaching, uses the stem and leaf plot?
Yes, a stem-and-leaf plot shows the frequency distribution of a variable.
The portion of a leaf that wraps around the stem at the base of the blade on a grass plant is called the sheath. It helps to provide structural support to the leaf and connects it to the stem.
The Xylem.
In bamboo leaves, the petiole corresponds to the part where the leaf blade meets the stem. This is similar to the location of the petiole in hibiscus leaves, which connects the leaf blade to the main stem of the plant.
The leaf is dependent on the root for absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. The stem connects the leaf to the root, allowing for the transport of these essential resources to the leaf for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes. Together, the leaf, root, and stem form a cohesive system that supports the overall health and function of the plant.
holds the leaf in connects to the plantpetiole is the thin green sructure that connects the main stem to a leaf.its also called MESOPODIUM.its main function is to direct the leaf from the branch so that it could get sufficient sunlight to perform photosynthesis
The slender stalk that connects the flattened leaf blade to the stem in most dicots is called a petiole. It allows the leaf blade to be positioned for optimal light absorption and gas exchange. The petiole also contains vascular tissues that transport water and nutrients between the leaf and the rest of the plant.
I think it just contain food
A graph and stem is different to a leaf plot because in a leaf plot, there is a stem and leaf in a plot, while in a graph and stem, there is a leaf and stem in a graph.
holds the leaf in connects to the plantpetiole is the thin green sructure that connects the main stem to a leaf.its also called MESOPODIUM.its main function is to direct the leaf from the branch so that it could get sufficient sunlight to perform photosynthesis
holds the leaf in connects to the plantpetiole is the thin green sructure that connects the main stem to a leaf.its also called MESOPODIUM.its main function is to direct the leaf from the branch so that it could get sufficient sunlight to perform photosynthesis
The let side of a stem a stem and leaf plot
A back-to-back stem and leaf plot.A back-to-back stem and leaf plot.A back-to-back stem and leaf plot.A back-to-back stem and leaf plot.