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The binomial distribution.

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Q: What distribution would be most appropriate Which distribution would be most appropriate if one wif one wanted to find the probability of selecting three Republicans from a sample of 15 politicians?
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What are the Similarities of discrete probability distribution and continuous probability distribution?

They are probability distributions!

Is normal distribution also a probability distribution?

Yes. When we refer to the normal distribution, we are referring to a probability distribution. When we specify the equation of a continuous distribution, such as the normal distribution, we refer to the equation as a probability density function.

Is normal distribution a discrete probability?

No. Normal distribution is a continuous probability.

True or False A sampling distribution is a probability distribution for a statistic?

The statement is true that a sampling distribution is a probability distribution for a statistic.

How to find Median of probability distribution?

how do i find the median of a continuous probability distribution

How does the standard normal distribution differ from the t-distribution?

The normal distribution and the t-distribution are both symmetric bell-shaped continuous probability distribution functions. The t-distribution has heavier tails: the probability of observations further from the mean is greater than for the normal distribution. There are other differences in terms of when it is appropriate to use them. Finally, the standard normal distribution is a special case of a normal distribution such that the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.

Why if a probability distribution curve is bell shaped why is this a normal distribution?

A bell shaped probability distribution curve is NOT necessarily a normal distribution.

What the difference between a probability distribution and a probability function?

None. The full name is the Probability Distribution Function (pdf).

What is marginal probability?

Suppose you have two random variables, X and Y and their joint probability distribution function is f(x, y) over some appropriate domain. Then the marginal probability distribution of X, is the integral or sum of f(x, y) calculated over all possible values of Y.

Explain probability distribution?

The probability distribution of an experiment is a function that maps the probability of each possible outcome of the experiment to that outcome.

What the difference and relationship between a probability distribution and a probability function?

They are the same. The full name is the Probability Distribution Function (pdf).

Distinguish between binomial distribution and normal distribution?

Normal distribution is the continuous probability distribution defined by the probability density function. While the binomial distribution is discrete.