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Q: What do you do if you have two medians on box and whisker plot?
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How do you find the range in box and whisker plot?

The highest and lowest numbers in a box and whisker plot are shown by the two dots at the end of the "whiskers". To find the range, you must subtract the highest number from the lowest number.

Is a stem and leaf plot the same as a box and whiskers plot?

No, they are two different things. Mainly because the Box And Whisker Plot has a different technique and focuses on highs and lows. The Stem and Leaf Plot has to do with key codes, grouping numbers, and amounts.

Why cant a box and whisker plot identify the mode?

A box and whisker plot mainly shows the mean (average), range, or median (middle number). The mode is the number that shows up the most. I--------l___l__l--------I That's kinda what it looks like. The two far ends represent the range.

Why might the box and whisker plot be a good visual for comparing your two data sets?

It is a simple summary of 5 key statistics.

How do you find the minimum and maximum in a box and whisker plot?

Assuming no outliers, the two are the lowest (left-most) and the highest (right-most) values of the whiskers (not wiskers).

How do you do a box and whisker plot that has two nunmbers as the middle?

The median is a single number. If there are an even number of observations so that there are two "middle" numbers, then the median is the arithmetic average of the two (their sum divided by 2).


Two jars each contain 1000 numbered tiles. The double box-and-whisker plot represents a random sample of 10 numbers from each jar.

What do do you do when you have two medians?

If the two medians you have are the same then that will be your answer but in the case of two different medians you will need to find the middle of them. e.g. if u have 13 and 15 your answer will be 14 because it is exactly in the middle but for two medians such as 7 and 10 your median will be 7.5

What if there is two medians?

If you have 2 medians, add them together, and divide by 2.

What can you do when there are two medians in a set of numbers?

Then all you do is add those two medians and then divide them by 2.

What do you do if you have two medians like 30 and 31?

you add the two medians together and divide them by 2

What are questions of box and whisker plot?

What are the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum?What the range and interquartile range are.whether the data ore positvely or negatively skewed.How two (or more) data sets compare in terms of the "average" and spread.