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Assuming no outliers, the two are the lowest (left-most) and the highest (right-most) values of the whiskers (not wiskers).

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Q: How do you find the minimum and maximum in a box and whisker plot?
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What are the values that make up the box-and-whisker plot?

From smallest to largest, they are the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum.

Why a stem-and-leaf and box-and whisker plot are useful in analyzing data?

It helps you to organize data and it also helps you find the median the lower and upper quuartile. another reason is that it helps you find the maximum and minimum

What do box and whisker plots tell you about data that measures of central tenancy do not?

The box and whisker plot informs you of the 5 number summary, which comprises of the minimum and maximum, the median, and the first and third quartiles. The minumum and maximum give you the range, which is not given by measures of central tendancy. also, if it a modified box and whisker plot, outliers will be marked separatley from the rest of the plot, outliers are also not included in the measures of center.

What does a box and whisker plot show about the data?

It is marked by the minimum, and maximum, the median, as well as the lower and upper quartiles. It also shows the skewness of the data.

What does the whisker in a box-and-whisker plot represent?

The whiskers mark the ends of the range of figures - they are the furthest outliers. * * * * * No. Outliers are not part of a box and whiskers plot. The whiskers mark the ends of the minimum and maximum observations EXCLUDING outliers. Outliers, if any, are marked with an X.

How do you find the minimum value of a box and whisker plot?

It i the smallest value in the data set and corresponds to the value of the left-most end of the whisker. Unless there were outliers, in which case it will be an "X" to the left of the left-whisker.

What is the largest value called in a box and whisker plot?

maximum value

Can a box plot have no whiskers?

Yes. For example, if at least a quarter of the observations were all equal to the minimum then the left whisker would collapse into the left side of the box. Similarly, if a quarter of the observations were equal to the maximum, the right whisker would not appear.

What are the numbers used in making a box and whisker plot?

The box goes from the lower quartile to the upper quartile and has the median marked across it. The whiskers stretch out, from the box, to the minimum and the maximum.

How do you find the mode in a box and whisker?

You cannot. The mode is not part of a box and whisker plot.

What is the upper extreme to a box- and- whisker plot?

THe maximum observed (excluding any outliers).

What is the range of the data set in the box and whisker plot?

The whiskers go from the minimum to the maximum though outliers may be excluded. The box, itself, goes from the lower quartile to the upper quartile.