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Q: What does SRS mean in statistics?
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Related questions

If your SRS light is staying on what does that mean?

There is a problem with the SRS (Supplemental Restraint System), air bags.

What is the srs light mean on Honda Pilot?

seat belt sensor needs to be replaced

What does the dahsboard light SRS for a 95 Eagle Summit mean?

SRS, Supplemental Restraint System, is for the air bags.

What does it mean when srs light is on?

The air bag is buggered

What does srs mean on cars?

speed response system

What does srs mean on a truck?

Supplemental Restraint System.

SES Reset 2002 Monte Carlo?

== == I am not familiar with SES. Do you mean SRS? If so, seek professional help when dealing with the SRS (Air Bags) on your vehicle. Serious injury can occur when working with the SRS.

What does srs mean on a car dashboard?

safety restraint system

What does it mean when the SRS light stays on in a 2005 lancer?

It means there is a problem with the SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) or Air Bags. This is a repair for a professional.

What does SRS light mean on mg zs?

SRS stands for Supplemental Restraint System which is the airbags which you should get diagnosed soon as possible because it is the safety

What does it mean when the FRS light goes on?

You are likely referring to the SRS light. When the SRS light goes on, it is letting you know to get the airbag system in your car checked out.

What does SRS button mean?

The SRS has to do with your airbag system. There is a problem that may make your airbags not work properly. THis problem needs to be checked out by the Honda dealership.