To collect your data or to gather it and put it all into a graph or plot for you to make a problem to solve.
The median is the middle number
It means multiply by two. As in "what is twice 3" that means what is 3x2.
They are all forms of average.
Average is a synonym for mean (the mathematical term not the adjective)
Given two events, A and B, the probability of A or B is the probability of occurrence of only A, or only B or both. In mathematical terms: Prob(A or B) = Prob(A) + Prob(B) - Prob(A and B).
about in mathematical terms mean to round!
It means "a Mathematical Expression".
"Is" usually signifies = .
it mean triple
The Same Position
It means the amount.
A quarter of a circle.
the volume of mean: the total average
In mathematics, mean stands for average.
Inspiration is not a mathematical term. It, therefore, means what it does in normal usage.