Oh, dude, "malaraw" in Wolof means "to laugh" or "laughter." So, like, if someone tells you a joke in Wolof and you're like, "malaraw," they'll know you found it funny. It's basically the Wolof way of saying "LOL."
Mean is the average.
I didn't mean what I said. What does antidisestablishmentarianism mean? My sister is mean. I don't like being mean. The mean of a set of values is the average. The mean temperature is much lower in the valley in spring.
The population mean is the mean value of the entire population. Contrast this with sample mean, which is the mean value of a sample of the population.
If repeated samples are taken from a population, then they will not have the same mean each time. The mean itself will have some distribution. This will have the same mean as the population mean and the standard deviation of this statistic is the standard deviation of the mean.
The mean is the average
In Wolof, you can say "Sookaru jamm" to mean welcome home.
Grandmother in Wolof is "yaay."
Yellow in Wolof is "unu."
"Wolof" is both a language and an ethnic group from Senegal, West Africa. In English, "Wolof" refers to the language spoken by the Wolof people, which is one of the most widely spoken languages in Senegal.
In Wolof, "goodbye" is said "ba ci kanam."
In Wolof, you can say "Nopp" to bid someone farewell.
"Wolof" is pronounced as "WOH-loff." The emphasis is on the first syllable.
Wolof people speak the following languages:WolofFrenchEnglishHassānīya Arabic
In Wolof language, hip hop is called "nit ku."
The Wolof people are native to Senegal, The Gambia and Mauritania in Africa. They are racially Negroid and today are mainly Muslims, with some minority Christian groups.No native American tribe is related to the Wolof people, since they are ethnically, culturally and linguistically completely different. It is known that some of the Africans brought to the USA as slaves escaped and joined native tribes such as the Seminoles and Creeks, but that does not mean that the native Americans are related to the Wolof or any other African peoples.