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A scabbard is a sheath for holding a sword or other large blade. Scabbards have been made of many materials over the millennia, including leather, wood, and metals such as brass or steel. The scabbards are used for swords so that we can cover them. The scabbards act as a protecting sheath which covers the whole sword by giving it an outer covering.

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A scabbard is a sheath for holding a sword.

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What are girdles and scabbards?

Scabbards hold swords and the girdle is a type of belt that would hold the scabbard.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Sound of Clashing Scabbards - 2012?

The cast of The Sound of Clashing Scabbards - 2012 includes: Ryuhei Higashiyama Chikara Motoyama Ayami Ohishi

What did a scabbard look like?

Medieval sword scabbards were made of two thin pieces of wood made to contain the sword blade; these were covered with leather sewn along the length of the scabbard. A metal chape (end cap) could be made of bronze or other copper alloy, perhaps tinned or silvered in some cases. The suspensions straps could be very complex, as in Anglo-Norman England in the 12th and 13th centuries. Some leather-covered scabbards were decorated with embossed designs. See links below for images:

When was the m8a1 scabbard first produced?

M8A1 scabbards made prior to 1955. Each bayonet scabbard showed the manufacturer's code on steel throat and has toe on the scabbard with reinforced steel toe cap. This scabbard designed for the WW2 M4 Carbine Bayonet and the M3 Fighting Knife.

What movie and television projects has Chikara Motoyama been in?

Chikara Motoyama has: Performed in "Dora-heita" in 2000. Performed in "Kibakichi: Bakko-yokaiden" in 2004. Played Shion in "Nogaremono orin" in 2006. Performed in "The Sound of Clashing Scabbards" in 2012. Played Aida in "Keiji 110 kiro" in 2013.

Wilkinson sword with trademark no engraving and no number Hilt polished steel sharkskin wired hilt with lions head single straight fullered blade?

I have two of the same swords. The hilts are plain steel with hand hammered cuts as decoration. The blades have the Wilkinson trademark cast in the blades but that is all. No scabbards. No serial numbers or any other markings.

What was the fabric leather used for in the Medieval times?

Leather is not a fabric, but treated animal skin - usually the hide of calves or adult cattle that has been tanned to preserve it. Leather was used for shoes and boots, for belts, pouches, knife sheaths, sword scabbards and gloves. In the book "Dress Acessories1150 - 1450" published by the Museum of London, there are many examples of medieval leather items preserved in the mud of the river Thames, including some complete belts, shoes and knife scabbards. Leather items could be decorated with metal studs or by embossing designs with a metal tool. I have myself made exact replicas of 12th century hand-stitched turn-shoes using patterns from this book.

What are some nine letter words with 1st letter S and 4th letter B and 6th letter A and 7th letter R?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern S--B-AR--. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter S and 4th letter B and 6th letter A and 7th letter R. In alphabetical order, they are: scabbards seaboards skyboards

What are some nine letter words with 1st letter S and 2nd letter C and 4th letter B and 5th letter B?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern SC-BB----. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter S and 2nd letter C and 4th letter B and 5th letter B. In alphabetical order, they are: scabbards scabbiest scabbling

What is the cover of a sword called?

A scabbard is a sheath for holding a sword or other large blade or gun; such as a rifle. Scabbards have been made of many materials over the millennia, including leather, wood, and metals such as brass or steel.

What are some nine letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter A and 5th letter B?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 30 words with the pattern S-A-B----. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter S and 3rd letter A and 5th letter B. In alphabetical order, they are: scabbards scabbiest scabbling scamblers scambling scatbacks seatbacks seatbelts shabbatot shabbiest shadberry shadblows shagbarks shamblier shambling shambolic sjamboked slabbered slabberer slabbiest snabbling snapbacks soapbarks soapberry soapboxed soapboxes stabbings starboard starburst swaybacks

What does (.)(.) mean?

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