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A function specifying the probability that a member of an assembly of independent fermions, such as electrons in a semiconductor or metal, will occupy a certain energy state when thermal equilibrium exists.

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Q: What is Fermi Dirac distribution function?
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What is Fermi-Dirac distribution function?

There are two different kinds of particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, molecules). Each such particle has a so called "spin" which is quantum mechanical value. Depending on spin particles behave differently in the same conditions and can be described using two different distributions. First one is Bose-Einstein distribution for particles with integer spin. Second on is Fermi-Dirac distribution for particles with spin n/2 (where n is an integer number which can take values starting from 1 and higher).

Why fermi level is found in the energy gap region since this region is forbidden for electrons and how does its probability is half?

The Fermi level is also known as the electron chemical potential (μ), and is a constant appearing in the Fermi-Dirac distribution formula: F() = 1 / [1 + exp((-μ)/kT)] Even though the gap may not contain any electronic states, there may be some thermally excited holes in the valence band and electrons in the conduction band, with the occupancy given by the Fermi-Dirac (FD) function. By inspecting the FD function, it becomes clear that if a state existed at the Fermi level, it would have an occupancy of 1/[1 + exp(0)] = 1/[1+1] = 1/2. Lastly, do not confuse Fermi level with Fermi energy. One is the chemical potential of electrons, the other is the energy of the highest occupied state in a filled fermionic system. In semiconductor physics, the Fermi energy would coincide with the valence band maximum.

What is an anyon?

An anyon is a particle which obeys a continum of quantum statistics, of which two are the Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.

Explain fermi dirac statistic and distribution for semiconductor?

It would be difficult to understand the behavior of electrons without the Fermi Dirac statistics. Why in a metal, electrons can move freely to conduct the electric current and why their contribution in the same metal to the specific heat is negligible, as if their number become for an unknown reason, considerably reduced. We have here a problem of "statistical order" that can be explained only by using the Fermi Dirac statistics (the classical statical mechanics was unable to explain this phenomenon).

Sketch the fermi Dirac distribution at room temperature?

You need to know mu, which is probably in the part of the question you didn't bother to write. Wikipedia has several FD statistics curves; you'll need to decide which one is appropriate for your particular value of mu.

What are the Laplace transform of unit doublet function?

The Dirac delta function.

How do you plot Dirac function in MATLAB?

To plot each value of a vector as a dirac impulse, try stem instead of plot.

Is signum function differentiable?

The signum function is differentiable with derivative 0 everywhere except at 0, where it is not differentiable in the ordinary sense. However, but under the generalised notion of differentiation in distribution theory, the derivative of the signum function is two times the Dirac delta function or twice the unit impulse function.

What is the laplace transform of a unit step function?

a pulse (dirac's delta).

Why dirac delta function is used?

Well Dirac delta functions have a loot of application in physics.... Suppose u want to depict the charge density or mass density at only a particular point and want to show that at any other point in space this density is nil, we use this dirac delta function to depict the position of this charge or mass... In general, Dirac delta function is used whenever the divergence for a field has different and contradicting values at the origin....esp used when the usual Divergence theorum is proved wrong due to contradicting values of the flux...

What is the birth name of Paul Dirac?

Paul Dirac's birth name is Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac.