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Q: What is The password should contain at least 1 uppercase character?
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What it mean when people said the password should contain at least 1 uppercase character?

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What is that mean of the password should contains at least 1 uppercase character?

At least one letter/number of the password you choose must be capital: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

What does a good password look like?

A good password is a password that is nothing anyone could guess or remember if they watched you type it in. Your password should be around 8 digits long and contain uppercase and lowercase letters along with special characters like: @#$%^&. However note some programs like Windows require your passwords to be under 28 digits.

A user password should consist of a combination of at least 2 uppercase 2 lowercase 2 numbers 2 special characters?


What does a second life password contain?

Second Life passwords can contain both numbers and letters and should be made to be very safe. Your password is unique to your resident name

What is meant by le mot de passe doit comprendre au moins une lettre en majuscule?

There should be at least one uppercase letter in the password.

What are the recommended password guidelines?

An expiration period should be used for passwords that expire. Uz1 Sn1p3R

What is the best way to create password?

To make a hacker safe password, it should be something only you can remember. Do not use your birthday, anniversary because that is easy to guess. Instead, make a sentence with combination of uppercase, lowercase, symbols, and punctuations. I.E. Y_cG!mP_! (You Can't Guess My Password!) Only you will know what your sentence means. That is how to create an awesome, safe password!

What are good passwords for skype?

A good password is something that no one else will think of other than yourself. You should make it at least 8 characters long and include a number or uppercase letter.

Password must contain at least one special charter?

Whenever they say special characters, they mean: @ # $ % ^ & *, etc... You write those by holding the shift key while pressing any mumber at the top of your keyboard.

Some eg. How do should be alphanumeric and should contain 1 special character from period.?


Password should be alphanumeric with one special character having minimum 8 characters length?
