Event B has something in common with Event A.
No. The strongest correlation coefficient is +1 (positive correlation) and -1 (negative correlation).
No. The units of the two variables in a correlation will not change the value of the correlation coefficient.
A positive correlation, nothing more.
Event B has something in common with Event A.
Auto correlation is the correlation of one signal with itself. Cross correlation is the correlation of one signal with a different signal.
There aren't. This is an untrue statement. There is no correlation between sexual orientation and physical disabilities.
positive correlation-negative correlation and no correlation
No. The strongest correlation coefficient is +1 (positive correlation) and -1 (negative correlation).
The correlation can be anything between +1 (strong positive correlation), passing through zero (no correlation), to -1 (strong negative correlation).
The sentence "Research studies have consistently shown a strong correlation between smoking and an increased risk of developing lung cancer" supports the thesis statement that smoking is a major risk factor for lung cancer.
If measurements are taken for two (or more) variable for a sample , then the correlation between the variables are the sample correlation. If the sample is representative then the sample correlation will be a good estimate of the true population correlation.
Indentation rhymes with correlation