in a scattered settlement dwellings are spaced over an extensive area. found in hilly tracks, thick forests and regions of extreme climate.
In a scattered settlement dwellings are spaced over an extensive area. This type of settlement is mostly found in hilly tracts, thick forests, and regions of extreme climate.
60% chance for Scattered Thunderstorms means there is a very likely chance that you will see thunderstorms scattered around throughout the day. A scattered thunderstorm means that one moment their maybe rain and thunder, the next moment it may be clear.Use this table for reference:0-20% Chance of Rain is: Very unlikely21-49% Chance of Rain is: Unlikely but should be expected50-75% Chance of Rain is: Likely and should be expected75+% Chance of Rain is: Very likely and should be expected.
no correalation
The word scattered means strewn about, distributed rather than gathered together, or generally all over the place.For light and other physics phenomena, scattered means split off in many directions rather than focused.
The points are increasing from left to right. They are scattered but they are increasing non the less.
clustered settlement
In a scattered settlement dwellings are spaced over an extensive area. This type of settlement is mostly found in hilly tracts, thick forests, and regions of extreme climate.
Several types of buildings spaced far apart that don't really follow a certain pattern as a linear settlement pattern would and is the exact opposite of a clustered settlement pattern. One place that in which the scattered settlement pattern would be used for is for farmland since there are few buildings scattered around that is used for farming. Glad to help!
Tokyo's settlement pattern is linear in urban areas and dispersed in rural areas.
Linear Settlement: a pattern of settlement in which homes and other buildings follow the lines taken by a road. Clustered Settlement: a pattern of settlement in which houses and other buildings are laid out closely together.
linear settlement (building are places in a straight line) clustered settlement (building are packed in an area) scattered settlement (building are placed far apart)
word up dawg
It's quiet and serene. Fit and Healthy.
The two types of scattered settlements are dispersed settlement pattern, where houses are spread out with a lot of space between them, and nucleated settlement pattern, where houses are clustered together in a central location with surrounding farmland.
Dispersed settlements: characterized by homes spread out over a large area. Clustered settlements: where dwellings are grouped closely together, often forming villages or towns. Linear settlements: where buildings are arranged in a line, often along a road, river, or other linear feature.
A dispersed settlement is a type of settlement pattern where buildings are spread out over a large area, often with considerable distances between them. This often occurs in rural or agricultural areas where the population is spread out rather than clustered together.