

What is scattered settlements?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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In a scattered settlement dwellings are spaced over an extensive area. This type of settlement is mostly found in hilly tracts, thick forests, and regions of extreme climate.

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Q: What is scattered settlements?
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yes yhey are thanks for listening lalalalalalala

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What different settlements are there?

There are three basic settlement patterns. These are: (a) Nucleated or clustered in which settlements are clustered around a central point. (b) Random or dispersed in which settlements are scattered without any particular order. (c) Regular or ordered in which settlements follow a set placement, leading either to a grid or triangular pattern. Other patterns are linear (in which settlements are arranged in a line, for example along a road) and radial (in which settlements are placed such that they form an 'X' shape or the shape of spokes in a bicycle wheel).

What are the different types of settlements called?

linear (strings), scattered (dispersed), clustered

What were Settlement patterns?

the three types of settlement patterns are 1)Linear 2)Scattered (rural) 3) CLustered (urban)

What is the difference between linear dispersed and nucleated settlements in geography?

Dispersed: Houses that are scattered Linear: Houses that are surrounding 2 sides of important roads Nucleated: Usually crowded and is where route centres are located