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This depends on the usage of the word. Usually, it refers to either one of two things. 1) taking a short segment of a sound or song such as a single drum beat or a short piano riff and saving it as a new audio file. This is usually used in "mashups" and sound collages or as triggers in live performances. 2) the frequency at which data is taken to describe a sound wave. You can think of this as plotting X and Y coordinates on a graph to describe a sound wave which a computer can translate into speaker movement and finally sound. The higher the sample rate, the higher quality the audio.

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Q: What is audio sampling?
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Why is the CD-audio sampling rate 44.1kHz not 40.0 kHz?

This site explains it:

What is sampling rate in audio digitization?

Sampling rate or sampling frequency defines the number of samples per second (or per other unit) taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete or digital signal.

The audio CDs you buy at your favorite music store are recorded at a sampling rate?

44.1 kHz


The act of taking a pre-recorded piece of audio and using it in a new and different musical composition in various ways.

Is lightning audio any good?

Lightning audio (I presume an MP3, WAV or FLAC), is very good if the audio sampling is high enough quality and the audio output (being Speakers or Headphones) are high enough quality, it could sound like lightning just struck beside you.

How can the file size of an audio clip be calculated?

If you know the bits per second of the audio clip, then simply multiply that by the length of the audio clip. If you do not know the bits per second, and the file is uncompressed, then you will have to take the sampling frequency (generally 44.1KHz), multiply it by the size of each sample, multiply by the number of channels and then finally multiply by the length of the audio clip. For example, a 1 second wav file with the default attributes of a 44.1KHz sampling frequency, 16 bit samples and 2 audio channels (stereo) will be 44100 * 16 * 2 * 1 = ~1.4 megabits = ~176 KB = ~172 KiB

How does sampling rate relate to the size of mp3 files?

The sampling rate affects the audio quality.For instance,a song sampled at 192 kilobits per second is three times the size of a song sampled at 64 kilobits per second and will be of better sound quality.

What are the various kind of sampling?

They include: Simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified sampling, Quota sampling, and Cluster sampling.

Which one is called non probability sampling a. cluster sampling b.quota sampling c. systematic sampling d. stratified sampling?

Answer is Quota sampling. Its one of the method of non-probability sampling.

What is sampling in research?

Sampling techniques in researching involves to types of sampling. The probability sampling and the non-probability sampling. Simple random is an example of probability sampling.

Is convenience sampling method not a random sampling?

You are correct; convenience sampling is not random sampling.

How do you edit a recorded voice on korg OASYS?

Other than punching in/out and editing by locators, there is very little audio editing on the audio tracks of the Oasys. The sampling functions allow more editing, but these are for assiging short samples to keys for real-time triggering.