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It could be viewed as a trial.

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Q: What is each observation of an experiment?
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Related questions

What is the definition of a initial observation?

an inital observation is the basic and main observation of the experiment

What is the difference between observation and experimentation?

In observation your watching it (Observing it) In experimantation your doing the experiment.

What is an outcome in a probability experiment?

It is the result of the experiment. It is the value of the observation.

What is the definition of a initiative?

an inital observation is the basic and main observation of the experiment

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What does observation mean when you do a science experiment?

It means what you saw during the experiment.

Why do you need to record your observation when performing an experiment?

To give final result to our observation

What is the last step in conducting an experiment?

Of the experiment, Observation. Of the entire process, conclusion.

How many trials did you run for the sand experiment?

If it is the same experiment attached to link, you would need only 1 trial each unless you want to retry if there is more grain or shape distribution. There is no requirement for how many time in repeating experiment since it is observation experiment not measuring experiment.

What is an organized process used to gather observation and test a hypothesis is an?

This is called an experiment.

Why are making observation an important part of conducting an experiment?

Observation and record keeping are important as you will need to redo an experiment many times to prove that it actually works.

What is the difference between observation and hypothesis?

The hypothesis is your guess of what will happen with the experiment before you do it. Observation is watching the experiment as it is being performed and observing what is taking place.