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It is a measure of the spread of the data around its mean value.

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Q: What is meant by the standard deviation of a data set?
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What are the units of measurement of standard deviation?

Standard deviation has the same unit as the data set unit.

What does one standard deviation mean?

Standard deviation is a measure of variation from the mean of a data set. 1 standard deviation from the mean (which is usually + and - from mean) contains 68% of the data.

What does standard deviation show us about a set of scores?

Standard Deviation tells you how spread out the set of scores are with respects to the mean. It measures the variability of the data. A small standard deviation implies that the data is close to the mean/average (+ or - a small range); the larger the standard deviation the more dispersed the data is from the mean.

What is the standard deviation?

The standard deviation of a set of data is a measure of the spread of the observations. It is the square root of the mean squared deviations from the mean of the data.

What is the standard deviation of the data set given below?

A single number, such as 478912, always has a standard deviation of 0.

Can a standard deviation of 4.34 be correct?

Yes, a standard deviation of 4.34 can be correct. Standard deviation is a measure of dispersion or variability in a data set. It represents the average amount by which individual data points deviate from the mean. Therefore, a standard deviation of 4.34 simply indicates that there is some variability in the data, with data points on average deviating by 4.34 units from the mean.

What is the standard deviation of a set data in which all the data values are the same?

It is 0.

Describes how spread out data set is?

(As in Jeopardy) - What is "standard deviation"?

Is it true that the standard deviation can equal zero in a data set?

The standard deviation is a measure of how much variation there is in a data set. It can be zero only if all the values are exactly the same - no variation.

What is he standard deviation of the data set given below 478912?

A single number, such as 478912, always has a standard deviation of 0.

Does the size of the standard deviation of a data set depend on where the center is?

Yes it does. The center, which is the mean, affects the standard deviation in a potisive way. The higher the mean is, the bigger the standard deviation.

What is meant by the mean and standard deviation of a set of results?

The mean is the average of the numbers in your results. For example if your results are 7, 3 and 14, then your mean is 8. Numerically, (7+3+14)/3 The standard deviation measures how widely spread the values in a data set are.