The mean is called a non-resistant measure in statistics.
Median is a good example of a resistant statistic. It "resists" the pull of outliers. The mean, on the other hand, can change drastically in the presence of an outlier.The interquartile range is a resistant measure of spread.
i think correlatioin is a nonresistant measure because if you take out outliers than only the data that's close together is there...this will increase the correlation closer to -1 or 1, depending on the slope
No, it is not resistant to changes in data.
The mean is called a non-resistant measure in statistics.
we can measure earth resustance with megger.b.vigneshwar
The Ohm is the unit of electrical resistance.
Median is a good example of a resistant statistic. It "resists" the pull of outliers. The mean, on the other hand, can change drastically in the presence of an outlier.The interquartile range is a resistant measure of spread.
i think correlatioin is a nonresistant measure because if you take out outliers than only the data that's close together is there...this will increase the correlation closer to -1 or 1, depending on the slope
Mass and hardness are not directly related. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while hardness is a measure of how resistant a material is to deformation. However, the mass of an object can affect its hardness indirectly by influencing its density and structure.
My watch is water resistant.
Yes it is Fuel Resistant
none are water resistant
No, it is not resistant to changes in data.
Cotton is not water resistant.