It is the same as Law of Diminishing Returns. Which is the postulate that as more units of a variable resource are combined with a fixed amount of other resources, using additional units of the variable resource will eventually increase profit only at a decreasing rate.
A constant is not a variable at all, and none of its factors was a variable. It is constant.
If your dependent variable is dummy coded (binary) then you must use a logistic regression for you analysis. There are two types; logit and probit. Both types return very similar results and your decision on which to use is based on personal preference and discipline standards. Economics and marketing tend to use probit while sociology tends to use logit.
It is a discrete random variable.
This variable is not constant. Your return on investment can depend on how much you put into it, how much you make from it, and other factors.
what is relationship between change in input and output. In the return's to scale (long term concept) all the factor are variable but in the variable proportions are some factor variable and some factors are fixed.
A dependent variable depends on the other factors while an independent variable does not depend on the other factors.
the variable
The law of variable proportion is basically a study of production functions. The factors used include fixed and variable factors.
The factors that distort the way the independent variable affects the dependent variable are referred to as the double-blinds. The factors try to explore the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
It is the same as Law of Diminishing Returns. Which is the postulate that as more units of a variable resource are combined with a fixed amount of other resources, using additional units of the variable resource will eventually increase profit only at a decreasing rate.
ING variable annuities are annuities offered by the company ING which have variable rates of return. This is in contrast to fixed annuities which offer some sort of guaranteed rate of return over the life of the contract.
ING variable annuities are annuities offered by the company ING which have variable rates of return. This is in contrast to fixed annuities which offer some sort of guaranteed rate of return over the life of the contract.
dependent variable
Dependent Variable