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Standard form or scientific notation is used to write a very large or very small number.

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Q: What is standard form used for?
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many used for law and biz

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Unfortunately, a 'bazillion' is just a figurative number used to express very large quantities. It has no standard form.

What jobs is standard form used in?

astronomist scientist and mathematician

How do you write three tenths in decimal of standard form and in expanded form?

standard form: .3 expanded form .3 its the same because there is only one place value being used

What is 6600 in standard form?

It is already in standard form.

What is 9670 in standard form?

9,670 is the standard form.

How do you write four hundred sixty-nine thousandths in standard form?

four hundred sixty-nine thousandths = 469/1000 = 0.469 When not used as the inverse of "expanded form", "standard form" is used to mean "scientific form" which in this case is 4.69 x 10-1

What is the expression for 12.12 in standard form?

The most correct standard form for 12.12 is "twelve point one two." The form "twelve and twelve one-hundredths" is also correct but is not the standard form. The common form "twelve point twelve" may be used from time to time (even by math teachers) but is not a correct form.

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How do write 666 in standard form?

What is a synonym for you?

Thee. This word is archaic and not used in any form of standard English.

What is the adverb form of obscure?

It is the standard but rarely-used form obscurely.Example: The writing was obscurely related to the Minoan civilization.