9pm in 24 hour time is 21:00. It can also be written as '2100 hours'.
$7042.56 if you work 24/7
No. There are 24 hours in a day, not 12!
Rainfall of a day is cumulative rainfall recorded at fix time for past 24 hours. For example rainfall of 26th September at given place in India is amount of rainfall recorded between 3 GMT of 25-9-09 and 3 GMT of 26-09-09. However rainfall can commence at any time of day say 5 GMT and continued for 5 GMT of next day. Thus rainfall record gets divided one between 5 GMT to 3 GMT and second 3 GMT of next day to 5 GMT conclusion of rain. It is obvious that 24 hr rain ( 5 GMT to 5 GMT) is more than that of 1 day rain (either 5 GMT to 3 GMT of next day or 3 GMT of next day to 5 GMT conclusion of rains). One day rain is available with Ordinary raingauges (ORG) while 24 hr rain requires Self Recording Raingauges (SRRG). For Design Storm computations 24 hr rain has significance but data record is less than 1 day record. As a compromize clock hour correction ( 24 hr rainfall / 1 day rainfall ) is worked out for available record where both ORG and SRRG observations are available. The average clock hour correction is then applied over 1 day PMP to get 24 hr PMP value. N.Y.Apte Hydrometeorologist India meteorological Department New Delhi
In the United States the Mars Company makes over 400,000,000 M&M's everyday!That comes out out to almost 17,000,000 every hour and almost 4,700 M&Ms in a second!24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the time it took you to read this they just made 51,700 more M&Ms!
24 times
9pm in London = 2100 hours
yes, 24 hour time is called 24 hour time!!
24 hours
Is 24 hour time related to our normal time
9pm is 2100 hours Navy / Military time, which is based on a 24 hour clock system. 12am is 0000 hours, 1am is 0100, 12pm is 1200, 6pm is 1800 hours, etc.
Zulu time is based on a 24 hour system, there is no am or pm. 6am is the same as 0600h 11:59 am is the same as 1159h 1pm is the same as 1300h 5pm is the same as 1700h 9pm is the same as 2100h 11:59pm is the same as 2359h
12.02am(midnight) as a 24 hour time would be 00:02.
In 24-hour time, it's "1500 hours". In 12-hour time, it's "3:00 PM".
As the 24 hour clock goes from 0000 to 2400 then 100 hours is 1am.