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Is 24 hour time related to our normal time

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Q: Is 24 hour time related to your normal time?
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Is 24 hour time is called 24 hour time?

yes, 24 hour time is called 24 hour time!!

What is 0050 normal time?

Normal time? 0050 is 50 minutes after midnight - based on the 24 hour clock system. Or it could be classed as being ten minutes to one o'clock in the morning (am).

What is 12.02am in 24 hour time?

12.02am(midnight) as a 24 hour time would be 00:02.

What is 1500 hours in 24 hour time?

In 24-hour time, it's "1500 hours". In 12-hour time, it's "3:00 PM".

1630 hours in military time is what normal time?

It is normal time. Most of the world uses the 24 hour clock, rather than the 12 hour clock. As far as the 12 hour clock would go, that would be 4:30 PM. Anything you see over 13:00, just subtract 12, and you'll get the time you would on a 12 hour clock (PM).

What length of time passes when the hour hand moves ina quarter turn?

On a normal, 12-hour clock, that takes 3 hours. On a military, 24-hour clock, it takes 6 hours.

What 24 hour time is 100 hours?

As the 24 hour clock goes from 0000 to 2400 then 100 hours is 1am.

What is the 9pm in 24 hour time?

9pm in 24 hour time is 21:00. It can also be written as '2100 hours'.

How many regular time zones are there?

24..all an hour apart, and an hour's difference.

How do you do 24 hour time for 8.00pm?

The 24 hour version of 8:00pm is 20:00.

What time is 12.05pm in 24 hour time?


What is the difference between 12 hour clock time and 24 hour clock time?

A twelve hour clock has 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and is the standard form time clock. A 24 hour clock has times starting at 1-12, but after it will start with 13 as 1 p.m. all the way to 24 or 00 as 12 midnight.