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in education at several places, we have to present the data and sometimes causes of individual differences are to be calculated. for data presentation we can use cumulative frequency distribution curve, pie chart, histograms and bar charts etc. in order to calculate individual difference we find its variance by standard deviations etc.

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Q: What is the application of statistics in the field of education?
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What are the specific application of statistics to education?

specific application of statistics in education - when a teacher computes the grades of students statistic is appiled

What are application of statistics in education?

There are many applications of statistics in education. Statistics are used to better prepare students for the real world and testing for example.

What are the two fields of statistics?

there are field in education and field in business......

What are the uses of statistyics in education?

Statistics are important to the field of education because they mark measurements. Test scores, strategies, and initiatives are measured and bench marks are set by studying statistics in the field of education.

What is the specific application of statistics in the field of government?

Statistics are used in the field of government to measure the effects that laws are actually having. It is sometimes difficult to base success on traditional metrics, and advanced statistics must be employed.

How statistics applied in field of education?

it helps us to be more efficient and effective individuals in our own.

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General Education

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specifis application of statistics to economics or business

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What is the definition for Psychological Statistics?

Psychological statistics is the application of statistics to psychology.