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The answer will depend on whether the critical region is one-tailed or two-tailed.

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Q: What is the critical z value thst corresponds to a confidence level of 88 percent?
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The 98 percent confidence level is commonly used in statistical tests. The critical Zc refers to the amount of relation between to factors.

What is the critical z value that corresponds to a confidence level of 92 percent?

It depends on whether the interval is one sided or two sided. The critical value for a 2-sided interval is 1.75

What is the critical z-value that corresponds to a confidence level of 86 percent?

norminv([(1-0.86)/2 1 - (1-0.86)/2], 0, 1) which results in a z-score range of -1.4758 to 1.4758

What Z value corresponds to a confidence level of 98 percent?

The answer depends on whether the interval is one-sided or two-sided and, if two-sided, whether or not it is symmetrical.

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What z value corresponds to a confidnece level of 86?

The value for a one-sided confidence interval of 86% is 1.08

What Z value corresponds to a confidence level of 88 percent?

1.555 With 88% confidence, there is 6% (0.06) in either tail of the standard Normal distribution. Table C will not help here. Using Table A the correct z* is about halfway between 1.55 and 1.56. According to technology, z*=1.555

What is the confidence interval for 85 percent?

it would be with a level of significance of 0.15.

What is the Probabilities of Critical Statistic?

The standard score associated with a given degree of confidence or level of significance.