it means what is the chance u might get somthing e.g. u have 5 marbles, 3 are red and 2 are blue. the probability of gettin a red is likely cause there are more than the other colour
Since the word "probability" contains only letters, then the probability of choosing a letter from the word "probability" is 1, i.e. it is certain to happen.
A space diagram is commonly used in mathematics. It is a table which represents a range of work to mostly do with probability! Hope it helps
A probability sample is one in which each member of the population has the same probability of being included. An alternative and equivalent definition is that it is a sample such that the probability of selecting that particular sample is the same for all samples of that size which could be drawn from the population.
Theoretical probability is the probability of an event when all outcomes are equally likely. With theoretical probability, you determine the probability by dividing the number of ways the event can occur by the total number of equally likely outcomes.
Another word for probability.
A probability of 0 means the event is impossible.
Since probability is not a geometric concept, there is no definition for it in geometry.
it means maths
No, you have to do it yourself.
It is a term used it probability which mean the frequency of something occuring
Since the word "probability" contains only letters, then the probability of choosing a letter from the word "probability" is 1, i.e. it is certain to happen.
A space diagram is commonly used in mathematics. It is a table which represents a range of work to mostly do with probability! Hope it helps
There are lots of situations where you can't know an outcome for sure. Probability is used in this case, to analyze the different possibilities, and how likely each of them is.
Maths (mathematics) is matamaitic.