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Q: What is the first step you should take if you need to find the correlation coefficient for graph without using a computerized tool?
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Where should the regression and correlation analysis be put in a thesis?

The actual analysis and breakdown should be put in the appendix, but your findings should be in the main part of your thesis (linking the reader to the appendix should they require more information)

What should be the value of R squared for a good correlation?

1 is the best, 0 is the worst. So the closer you are to 1, the better. Beyond that, I can't tell you a specific cutoff. It depends on what you're trying to prove. Sometimes, you won't settle for anything less than 0.99. Other times, you'll be tickled pink to get a 0.3. But the whole point of an R-squared is to give a numerical representation of how close the correlation is without resorting to vague terms like "good correlation". Publish the value of R-squared and let the readers make their own decisions about whether it's "good" or "bad".

What is the difference between a positive correlation and a negative correlation with alcohol consumption by college students?

According to the latest study, they say that people should drink red wine because it help us to live longer. But on the other hand we all know that alcohol is bad for us. Because consuming too much can cause alcohol poisoning.

What graphs can you use to find the strength of correlation between two continuous data sets that isn't a scatter graph?

You cannot. Or rather, you should not. You do not know if the relationship is linear or something else. A scatter graph is the best way to establish the nature of the relationship. For example, the correlation between x and y, when y = x2 between, say, -4 and +4 is zero (because of symmetry). That would lead you to conclude that there was no relationship. You could not be more incorrect!

Should Ten-year have a dash?

Either with or without a dash is fine

Related questions

What is the range of correlation coefficient and what does its value tell?

The product-moment correlation coefficient or PMCC should have a value between -1 and 1. A positive value shows a positive linear correlation, and a negative value shows a negative linear correlation. At zero, there is no linear correlation, and the correlation becomes stronger as the value moves further from 0.

Difference between computerized and non computerized in information systems?

computerized are ais and non computerized should be like this website answered or interacted with by people

Why should you rank your data?

Ranking of data allows calculation of ranges and percentiles. Quick estimation of correlation coefficient is possible (Spearman's method). Certain graphical displays of data, such as box and whiskers plots use percentiles.

Why law should be computerized?

what is the importance of computer to law.

When coefficient of correlation is not perfect you should use an appropriate regression line for projection?

When the correlation coefficient isn't equal to 1 you have any number of choices. Contrary to what a maths syllabus might tell you, there is no right or wrong answer here. Do whatever you think best! Maths does have a creative element to it (this isn't it though...) If its close to zero though, a regression line is probably a poor choice. There aren't many ways to draw a nice fitting curve in this case, but you might be able to model it with a random (e.g. bivariate normal) distribution.

What does the term correlation analysis mean?

Correlation analysis is the relationship of two values. When two items are similar, they will have a high correlation. Should they differ, they will be much lower in variables.

When identifying a coefficient do you include the variable?

Yes, you should generally include the variables when identifying a coefficient.

What is the relationship between the coefficient of a number in scientific notation and the number of significant figures?

The number of digits in the coefficient should be exactly the same as the number of significant figures.

When should patient be advised of the existence of computerized databases containing medical information about the patient?

On AMA the patient and physician should be advised about the existence of computerized data both before and information is stored.

What coefficient should be in front of o2?


When should a patient be advised of existence of computerized database containing medication information about the patient?

A patient has to sign a confidentiality agreement indicating whom may have access to the medical information and that is the main point. No one can legally have access to the patient information computerized or otherwise without express written consent from the patient.

Which correlation should be used to measure the relationship between gender and grade point average for a group of college students?

pearson correlation